Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Milestone at Cornerstone...

When my girlfriend Kenya asked me to list my Top 30 friends throughout life there were so many ppl to choose from in elementary there was Shavon Williams, Nyell Brown & Shawana Rylas and in Junior High no one could out beat Samantha Miller or Ena Brown off to High School where I met Tiffany Thomas and then was sent to DDC where I met the two that made the TRIO Moe, Tesh & Le... And then there was college Jas, Aocean, Kenya & Jere. Then I heard my mothers voice "WHAT ABOUT YOUR COUSINS" She would say. My sister Shyah, now that's a given and all the girls I met in LA ooooohhhhh if they could only fly in... I say this to say God has Blessed me with some great friends, with many memories and stories to tell to no end... TIME OUT!!! THIS ALL RHYMED LMAO... Check out the pics from my TOP 30 BRUNCH!!!

 Sheena came in from Philly to surprise me...

 My bestie since Junior High Sammy J

 Mom & Dad Arrive

 Stunting Like My Daddy

 My Momma & Me

 Me & Ocean

 Que & Sam

 My PR Team yup Puerto Rican :) 

 They call him Turtle but Trust he don't move slow :) 

 My Bestie K.

 My little sisters Shyah & B.

 My Bestie of all Besties JAS...

Hef & his bunnies

 My Cousins

 I remember when we were INSEPARABLE 

 We'd make some cute babies :)


 Turtle telling us about when he met Kevin Hart lol

 Couldn't ask for a better sister "MY HEART"

 Turtle & Ro

 Oh wow they'd make some cute babies too...

 Love em like cooked food...

My Team...

 Tash, Jere & Farrah

Little Cousins Dee & Ash St. Frannie Girls lol

L. Janell


  1. Ahhhh... LOVEY IT!!! I had such a great time. Missed you girls... Kenya did such a great job. I salute her.

  2. And Just and FYI I was apart of the College Friends list, as I roll my eyes mad Hard right now.

  3. LOL St. Frannie Girls :) Had a blast, glad I got to spend a such a special day with you, & the food was AMAZING. & Great Job Kenya!! :)

  4. @Sheena lol i hate you... I am sorry you were truly one of the greatest ppl in met during my college experience love you biotch...

  5. @Diani yes Kenya has a little event planning in her she might need to be my partner.... I am glad you came and even more happy that you enjoyed yourself....

  6. I'm mad late but....Amazing Pics...Amazing Day... with amazing people! Miss you guys!

  7. @Ms. Freeman we got some more bdays coming up we'll be back together before you know it
